Dear Bob
I thought very large numbers of commercial computers these days went into 
'server farms' (sometimes called 'Internet Hotels' or 'Cisco Hotels') and 
these will almost certainly have a non-public LV supply.

I don't know enough about the process of creating IEC 61000-3-2 to comment on 
whether it is skewed, but I am led to believe that the convener of the WG 
that created it was for many years a senior person in the computer industry.

Regards, Keith Armstrong

In a message dated 25/01/02 12:16:15 GMT Standard Time, 

> Subj:Re: EN 61000-3-2 applicability and let-outs
> Date:25/01/02 12:16:15 GMT Standard Time
> From:
> Sender:
> Reply-to: <A HREF="";></A>
> To:,
> >I realise that none of the above give much comfort to manufacturers of
> >domestic or consumer products, but maybe a computer manufacturer could
> offer
> >a version without PFC only for use in installations that have a dedicated
> LV
> >supply.
> No, the big problem is for manufacturers who make commercial and light
> industrial equipment that are under
> 16A and are connected to the public power mains. This is the majority of
> commercial equipment.
> As was mentioned previously, the harmonic and flicker standards are
> considered by many to be "skewed"
> standards because they were heavily influenced by the power industry
> virtually to the exclusion of all other
> data and input.
> The issue is not whether harmonics and line votage variations are a
> problem. The issue is to what extent they
> are a problem. And until these standards become "unskewed" and all data is
> weighed, these two "tainted"
> standards will not be believeable.
> Bob Heller
> 3M Product Safety, 76-1-01
> St. Paul, MN 55107-1208
> Tel:  651- 778-6336
> Fax:  651-778-6252
> ================================================================================
>                     CherryClough@ao                                         
>                           To:       
>                                          cc:     
>                     01/24/2002             (bcc: Robert E. 
> Heller/US-Corporate/3M/US)                              
>                     11:58 AM             Subject:     EN 61000-3-2 
> applicability and let-outs                      
>                     Please respond to CherryClough                          
> Dear John
> I understand the following statements to be true.
> Please make corrections / comments where necessary.
> 1) EN 61000-3-2 only applies to equipment consuming up to 16A/phase, and
> there are no mandatory harmonic limits in the EU (yet) for higher-powered
> equipment, other than what the power supplier might impose.
> So EN 61000-3-2 is optional for equipment consuming >16A/phase.
> 2) EN 61000-3-2 currently has a let-out for "professional equipment" that
> consumes more than 1kW, so its application is optional for that category of
> equipment too.
> This could exclude many of the larger products sold solely for commercial
> and/or industrial use from EN 61000-3-2.
> (Maybe the combined air-conditioner / personal computer may not be such a
> bad
> idea if it gets consumption up above 1kW!).
> 3) The 'public low voltage supply' is a 4156/230V supply with more than one
> consumer connected. Large plants or office building often take their power
> at
> MV (11kV or more) and transform their own LV supply with their own
> distribution transformer - creating a 'private' low voltage supply
> dedicated
> for their own use.
> EN 61000-3-2 is optional for any equipment sold solely for use on such
> dedicated low voltage supplies.
> Privately-generated LV supplies ditto.
> 4) My copy of EN 61000-3-2 has a paragraph at the end of its Scope section
> that says:
> "Special equipment, which is not widely used and is designed in such a way
> that it is unable to comply with the requirements (limits), may be subject
> to
> installation restrictions. The supply authorities shall be notified as
> authorization may be required before connection."
> So custom-made or low-volume manufactured equipment (even if under
> 16A/phase)
> does not have to comply with EN 61000-3-2, as long as their users check
> with
> their power suppliers that they are OK to be connected.
> Maybe they could agree to deal with any harmonic issues at site-level, by
> installing an active harmonic cancellation unit.
> Regards, Keith Armstrong

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