Hi John:

>   >>   But whichever method is adopted, the customer pays the bill eventually 
> and I
>   >>   have more confidence in the highly competitive world of electronic 
> products
>   >>   to come up with a cost-effective solution in a timely manner.
>   >
>   >One of the USA's major objections to EN61003-2 is
>   >that remedying the load repeats with each new product
>   >that is introduced, while remedying the source is a
>   >one-time remedy.  EN61000-3-2 requires continous 
>   >cost to the consumer with each product.  (The cost
>   >is NOT trivial -- nearly double the cost of the power
>   >supply.) 
>   No, that's certainly an exaggeration. We have been told various sums
>   from USD1 to USD5, and I suspect that the lower value is nearer the
>   truth.

The additional cost for a PF-corrected SMPS is 
not a constant adder; it is proportional to 
power output.  One must use higher power PF
components for higher power output.

Having actually purchased production quantities
(1995) of the same SMPS in both non-PF-corrected 
and PF- corrected schemes, the additional cost 
for PF-corrected ranged from 50% to 75% higher 
than the non-PF-corrected supply.  

More recently (2001), the cost difference was 
indeed lower -- only about 25-30% premium.

I suspect your sources wanted to sell PF-corrected
SMPS's and exaggerated on the low side.


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