I used a probe calibrated to 450 MHz.  I am going to my local hardware 
store, they used to carry copper and brass stock tubing, and I am going to
try your suggestion.  Thank you!

>From: Cortland Richmond <72146....@compuserve.com>
>To: Ken Javor <ken.ja...@emccompliance.com>, ieee pstc list <emc-p...@ieee.org>
>Subject: Re: Stumped
>Date: Tue, Oct 15, 2002, 3:19 PM

> It looks like you've answered your own earlier question, Ken; yes, you CAN
> see a difference between a leaky coax and good coax. I don't know that you
> can rely on the usual clamp-on current probe up at 400 MHz, but the
> relative difference tells you a good deal. And at 400 Mhz you only need a
> few feet for most of the power in shield current -- where the leaks end up
> -- to radiate away. You may also have copper losses in the shield -- which
> is not designed to carry signal current, remember -- as well as radiation
> losses through it.
> However, 20 dB more than very little is not necessarily a lot. You can
> measure how much is lost to radiation by repeating your original test, but
> this time with a small-diameter - as tight as practical - copper tube
> replacing the braid, making an almost perfect shield. The power lost
> thorough radiation will no longer be dumped to space, and you should see
> that as decreased loss end-to-end.
> Cortland

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