In message <p05200f06ba39c6810365@[]> Nick Williams writes:
> I missed the original post which generated this thread in the last 
> few days. Please could someone send it to me directly?

Happy New Year, Nick.  It was attached to e.g. Luke Turnbull's post.
Copy below.

> I too would be very concerned to see the forum changed from its 
> current e-mail delivery format, to the extent that if necessary (and 
> subject to it being possible - it's not something we've done before) 
> I would be prepared to arrange to host it in an e-mail format.

I presume this would involve the installation of "majordomo" software 
or similar, and the administrative burden of coping with spam, off-
topic messages, etc.

As an alternative, if sadly EMC-PSTC does go this retrograde way, we 
could all simply move to the sci.engr.electrical.compliance (s.e.e.c)
newsgroup, which is receivable on anything from basic DOS software up 
and at any connection speed.  The only disadvantage is it is not 
moderated, but it is a pretty low traffic group and there would be no 
difficulty identifying professional contributions.



Bill Lyons - /

>>> Rich Nute <> 12/31/02 06:19pm >>>

Effective today, we are replacing our web-based services.


The archive has been moved to the new web site, but is
not yet up and running.  We'll keep you posted as to when
we have it available.

This new site does not have listserver capability.

However, it does send personal e-mail notices (daily,
weekly, or monthly) when a discussion item has been
posted to the site.  The notice includes a link directly
to that specific posting.

Furthermore, you can select the discussions which are
of interest to you (as opposed to getting all discussion

When a message is posted to the site, the system will
notify the poster as to replies, and will notify all members
that the posting has been made.

The web-based service offers opportunity for posting of
papers and similar items.  The site already has a few
contributions, some of which were moved from the old
site.  We'd like to see an electronic version of the old
"Product Safety Newsletter" that had so many good
technical papers and news.  We feel this e-community
is a good step to the formation of the Product Safety
Society.  (You'll find news and listings of officers and
chapters on this site.)

Please check out the new web-based service.  We call
it an "e-community."  At the moment, if you want to
participate in this e-community, please contact either
of us Rich Nute or Jim Bacher, or Marilyn Catis at IEEE,  (One of us needs to subscribe you
to the e-community.)  To the extent that we can, we'd
like to move our activity to the web rather than use the

If you have difficulty connecting to the site, or if you have
comments, please contact either of us, or Marilyn Catis.

Best wishes for the New Year!
Richard Nute
Jim Bacher
co-administrators, IEEE emc-pstc forums

Replies to this message may be posted in the following public forum:
Change in emc-pstc web-based services (

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

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     unsubscribe emc-pstc

For help, send mail to the list administrators:
     Ron Pickard:    
     Dave Heald:     

For policy questions, send mail to:
     Richard Nute: 
     Jim Bacher:   

All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
    Click on "browse" and then "emc-pstc mailing list"

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
with the single line:
     unsubscribe emc-pstc

For help, send mail to the list administrators:
     Ron Pickard:    
     Dave Heald:     

For policy questions, send mail to:
     Richard Nute: 
     Jim Bacher:   

All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
    Click on "browse" and then "emc-pstc mailing list"

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