I like to use a clamp-on DC current probe and an oscilloscope. Tektronix
makes these probes. If the 'scope has an RMS feature it will calculate the
RMS current over the length of the trace. In this way you can adjust the
length of the RMS operation. If your 'scope does not have this feature you
can do an RMS calculation on paper. It is the square root of the mean of the
squares. I divide the trace into 10 segments and it is quite accurate. If
you don't have a clamp-on DC probe you can do it with a shunt resistor. You
will want something lower than 5 milliohms to keep the burden voltage low.
Fluke makes a nice 1 milliohm shunt or you can buy a resistor and do it. You
will have to cut the wires. How to connect the 'scope to a floating current
shunt? You can translate the signal to ground using an op amp and a FET (not
a diff amp circuit). But there is a much simpler method that is sure to
upset product safety guys. Cut the ground prong off of the 'scope AC power
(use a battery operated 'scope). The 'scope chassis is now DC referenced to
one end of the shunt resistor and you can make your measurement across the
shunt. I have done this, with an isolation xfmr, to 1 kV. After a couple of
good shocks I was trained not to touch the 'scope chassis and earth ground.

   Dave Cuthbert
   Micron Technology

From: rbus...@es.com [mailto:rbus...@es.com]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 1:19 PM
To: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
Subject: Measuring Power Supply Output Current

I have been asked by my TUV office to measure the actual output current
for each of the 5-7 voltages on my PC power supplies. The purpose of
this is to baseline the maximum output current in terms of maximum
power, not instantaneous current, for each of the various motherboards
we use.

On the surface it seemed like a simple exercise of putting a DC current
meter in series with each of the outputs. Given that the current demand
for each of these outputs is dynamic, corresponding with the processing
activity, does it make sense to measure this output current with a True
RMS meter? 

If this is the case, I would assume that the True RMS meter takes the
measurement based on some type of a time weighted average or sample
time. Do any of you have a feel for how this is calculated?

How do manufacturers of these PC supplies address the maximum output
current ratings for each voltage. Does this rating take into account
PEAK demands for current (or over current)?


Rick Busche
Evans & Sutherland

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