Hello Muhammad,

Sorry for the little lengthy reply, but it is one of the most important 
considerations when designing Ethernet front end - I tried to summarize it.

First you need to consider what kind of PHY driver you use. Some PHYs 
transmitters are supplied from the center taps (CT), some are not. This varies 
with the manufacturer. With the PHYs that use CT as a source of power for the 
Tx, you generally can't have a common-mode choke (CMC) on the PHY side,
for the supply current to the TX that CM choke isn't CM, leading to supply 
voltage sags and preventing them to function properly. The PHYs that don't
Tx power supply from the CT can have a CMC on the PHY side. Be sure to 
distinguish between PHYs that just bias the pairs from the CT (in which case 
you CAN use a CMC on the PHY side) vs. the ones that actually feed Tx power 
through the CT.

After this functional consideration, assume you have a case when you can use a 
CMC on the PHY side. CM voltage coupled to the pairs generates CM currents on 
the cables that cause most of the emission. On the PHY side of the
you can have CM voltage between the differential (I/O) pairs and the 
local "ground" plane. One typical source of CM on the pair, generated in the 
PHY, would be ground bounce over the package lead inductance. A CMC on the PHY 
side is excellent to provide low-pass filter. It is similar to RC filter, 
because the CMCs are mostly resistive (high-loss ferrite material) elements. 
Working in conjunction with the CT capacitor, it essentially reduces and
the CM current and takes it back to the PHY (thus letting less CM current on 
the other side of the transformer). It works better than just a CT cap to 
filter the CM noise on the pair relative to the local reference "ground".

Ideally, this method with the CMC on the PHY side would leave near O V of CM 
voltage on the CT. Practically, this is very effective method to reduce CM 
voltage produced by, or coupled from the PHY, but leaves a possibility that
noise on the "ground" planes escapes unimpeded to the UTP. Because of the 
imbalance in the CT of the transformers, lead inductance in the transformer 
package, and inductance through the CT capacitor, the effectiveness of this 
filter starts decreasing after about 200 (maybe 300) MHz.

Now about the potential problem when the CMC is on the PHY side. Depending on 
the design of your board and the system, you may have significant RF voltage 
between the chassis (front-panel) and the "ground" at the location of the 
center tap. When the only CMC is on the PHY-side, there is basically nothing
prevent the voltage coupled from the "ground" to the CT from causing CM 
currents on the cable and emission. Therefore, it is very important to keep
voltage of the "ground" plane to which the CT connects (usually through a cap) 
at very low levels relative to the I/O panel and chassis. The "ground" noise 
that may pop-up in emission scan is typically in the couple of hundreds MHz
higher, because the "ground" inductance (impedance), can usually be kept 
relatively low (in well designed systems).

A CMC on the wire-side limits all CM currents, regardless of which segment of 
the transformer it is coupled into. However, you loose the benefit of RC-
filtering the low-frequency Ethernet noise that comes from the PHY.

Practical advice:
IF you are looking for best performance, IF you can afford it, and IF the 
functional requirement allows it, buy transformers with a low-frequency CMC on 
the PHY side AND with a high-frequency CMC on the cable side. Most practical 
designs are however limited to only one CMC per pair, and in that case I would 
always start design with a cable-side CMC. That is less expensive (less
cores in the part), works with any PHY, and the practice shows it suffices for 
EMC-compliant design.

Beware of CM-termination and autotransformers, since they can also provide a 
path for unwanted coupling across the CMC. I am refraining from discussing the 
CM termination here, it would take too much e-paper.

All previously said also applies to immunity considerations, just reverse the 
current path.

If you can get access to it, see Broadcom application note "10/100 and Gbit 
PHYs, EMC Design Guidelines". You'd need a password from your Broadcom rep to 
get it.


> Here is a question for you Gurus..
> I was looked at a few different rj45 with integrated magnetics.  While all
> them were different in some respect, I found two major categories - one with 
> common mode choke on the chip (IC) side while others with common mode choke
> the cable side.  My question would be "why would one want to use a connector 
> with common mode choke on the chip side vs connector with common mode choke
> the cable side??? I wanted to know specific scenario where  a person would 
> prefer one over the other."  
> Here I would like to add that most of the problems I have seen in my short 
> career are due to common mode noise making its way to the cable.  
> Also, I would appreciate if someone could point me to a document where I
> find rules/factors to consider while selecting a jack with integrated
> .
> Muhammad

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