From: John Woodgate []
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: OT: standard component values

In message
dated Tue, 13 Mar 2007, "Tarver, Peter" <>

>Or maybe there's a mathematical reason that hasn't occurred to me, like
>some arithmetic progression, or even simple phobias or prejudices.

Ah, you youngsters! (Strokes long, white beard.)

It's based on geometric progression and it's about selling all the parts you


Yes, there is mathematical beauty and logic behind it all, and I'm sure I
figured out those odd value progressions by about 8th grade (when I was first
confronted with storing and organizing all those resistors and capacitors I
had recovered out of scrapped consumer electronic gadgets). Yeah, it made
sense, even if it made the electrical design math a bit harder (pre-calculator
days, stroking short white beard).

Yet I never understood the real beauty until I started making paper and
plastic film capacitors. I remember one day watching capacitors go through an
automated sort, the bins filling with 1% & 5% & 10% & 20%. I was struck by the
realization that this test could have NO FAILURES, or practically, I could
sell ever darn one of those things! And then it hit me that 1% parts aren't
inherently better, they're just better known. And just because of that, I
could charge lot's more for the parts that fell into the 1% bin.

Sweet! I was truly standing on the shoulders of giants! Thanks for the system,

Ed Price
NARTE Certified EMC Engineer & Technician
Electromagnetic Compatibility Lab
Cubic Defense Applications
San Diego, CA  USA
858-505-2780 (Voice)
858-505-1583 (FAX)
Military & Avionics EMC Is Our Specialty

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