
        From: emc-p...@ieee.org [mailto:emc-p...@ieee.org] On Behalf Of Tang, 
        Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:40 PM
        To: Reginald Henry; dw...@atcb.com; James, Chris; emc-p...@ieee.org
        Subject: RE: like your eggs raw /// mobile phone safety

        Let’s see….. The popcorn package label says “Place bag in a 1000 watt
microwave oven.  Set power level to HIGH.  Cook for 5 minutes……”  When
you take the popcorn out of the oven, it is HOT and it BURNS your finger to
touch the popcorn.  


        If you believe the power through this COLD RESISTOR can cook a popcorn, 
I have a Golden Gate Bridge to sell you.  Of course, what long term side
effects cell phone has on the human body (ringing in ear due to one sided
hearing, muscle cramps in the arm and neck, poor brain development in young
children due to concentration to sound coming from only one ear, hormonal
imbalance due to lack of exercise….) is unknown to people.  But cooking
popcorn with a cell phone radiated power is ridiculous.  




My oven does the MIL STD popcorn bag in just a few seconds over 3 minutes. <g>


I hate to guess the ratio of viewers of that video who analyzed the conditions
(antenna direction, underlying physics) to those who now know they have proof
that cell phones are more dangerous than ever.


Ed Price
ed.pr...@cubic.com <mailto:ed.pr...@cubic.com>      WB6WSN
NARTE Certified EMC Engineer & Technician
Electromagnetic Compatibility Lab
Cubic Defense Applications
San Diego, CA  USA
858-505-2780 (Voice)
858-505-1583 (FAX)
Military & Avionics EMC Is Our Specialty


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