A couple issues.  First, on topic, beware of modern-day “pre-selectors.” 
You will find either quite broad tracking filters, and/or a series of very
broad fixed bandpass filters selected by coaxial relays. To my knowledge there
is not a single manufacturer today making a pre-selector with bandwidth with
say ten times the required resolution or 6 dB bandwidth.  If someone out there
can contradict me on this, please do, with manufacturer and model number,

Second, please folks, there is no such thing as an EMC receiver. It may seem
like semantics, but you can’t receive electromagnetic compatibility. May be
you can ask Santa for it, but I doubt he will deliver.  What you receive is
EMI – electromagnetic interference, and the entire purpose of the receiver
is to quantify the amount of EMI, and compare it to a limit.  The limit is
there to control the amount of EMI generated so that we can expect some level
of electromagnetic compatibility.

For instance, we control RE at three meters so that at typical BCB reception
levels, we have clear reception. That is EMC.  If we move the culprit emitter
closer to the radio receiver than three meters we no longer have a legitimate
expectation of clear reception.

With this sloppy terminology, rife in the commercial world, we are raising a
generation of EMC engineers who have no clue why they do what they do, other
than they have to meet some legal requirement before marketing a product.  It
is bad enough that I have seen in this forum otherwise well-regarded engineers
claiming that radiated emission requirements are there to protect all
electronics from interference, as opposed to radio receivers, which are the
sole victim protected by radiated emission limits. Non-antenna-connected
electronics don’t require that level of protection.

Oh, yeah, one other thing. The holiday season has officially begun.

Happy Holidays!
Ken Javor

Phone: (256) 650-5261


From: Jim Eichner <jim.eich...@xantrex.com>
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 00:50:18 -0800
To: <emc-p...@ieee.org>
Conversation: EMI Receivers
Subject: RE: EMI Receivers

Many posts have addressed the calibration part of this question, but not the
make and model part.  We have an aging HP rack that we are considering
relegating to spare status by purchasing a new or nearly new spectrum analyzer
or EMC receiver (I think the line there is blurring a bit these days but we
want/need a preselector if that affects the semantics at all).  I don’t
think we need 18GHz for our applications, so if you have a favourite that tops
out at a lower frequency please include it.  I don’t want to hijack Tim’s
originally 18GHz enquiry though.

Jim Eichner, P.Eng.
Compliance Engineering Manager
Xantrex Technology Inc.
e-mail: jim.eich...@xantrex.com
web: www.xantrex.com <http://www.xantrex.com/> <http://www.xantrex.com/>   

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From: emc-p...@ieee.org [mailto:emc-p...@ieee.org] On Behalf Of emcp...@aol.com
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 11:39 AM
To: emc-p...@ieee.org
Subject: EMI Receivers


I'm looking to purchase an EMI receiver for use in a 5 meter chamber. Does
anyone recommend a certain model? I would want one that has at least a
frequency range from 150kHz to 18GHz so one unit can be used for radiated and
conducted emission measurements.

I'm looking for a unit that can be calibrated by a local accredited
calibration lab. I believe all R&S receivers need to be sent to them for
calibration, which there would be risk and time involved in shipping.


Tim Pierce


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