I read a paper years ago regarding this. It stated that whether the measured 
signal was lower or higher than reality depended on whether the overloading 
signal was broadband or narrowband in nature. Can't find the paper right now, 

Bob Richards, NCT.

--- On Thu, 12/4/08, Clif Brick <cbr...@petsafe.net> wrote:

> From: Clif Brick <cbr...@petsafe.net>
> Subject: RE: EMI Receiver
> To: "Gert Gremmen" <g.grem...@cetest.nl>, emc-p...@ieee.org
> Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 2:49 PM
> I could be wrong as it's been a few years, but it seems
> to me that a
> spectrum analyzer receiver in overload will show a signal
> to be a lower
> amplitude than it really is (in addition to ghosts, spurs
> and intermod
> products).  The issue is one of compression, and in fact an
> overlaoded
> analyzer will show comply when in fact the device is
> non-compliant just
> as readily as the opposite.
> If an overlaod condition exists, you may get a reading of a
> real (from
> the EUT) signal that is say 0dBm, you add 10 dB of
> attenuation and get
> -3dBm.  This means that in fact your signal is at least 7dB
> larger than
> your display.  If you add 10 dB more and get say -7,
> you're still in
> overload.  You would need to continue until you get linear
> response.
> Important to understand is that it may be well outside of
> the band of
> interest that the overlaoding signal is comin in on.  This
> is why
> preselection helps....
> Best regards,
> Clif 


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