In message <
vt>, dated Fri, 23 May 2014, Jim Hulbert <> writes:

I will of course investigate on my own.  But is anything shockingly changed in the new EMC, LVD, and RTTE Directives? 

Depends what you are doing. For EMC and LVD, the products should be OK, but what you may do with them has changed. You need to do your homework, as you say.

Or for most of us will it simply mean updating our Declarations of Conformity?

No, it's not limited to that, in fact for EMC the new Directive aliases old DoCs that cite the previous Directive so as to be valid under the new one. You need to look at labelling, and if you export to EU, your importers ALSO need to look at labelling.
OOO - Own Opinions Only. With best wishes. See
Nondum ex silvis sumus
John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK

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