Although it's Saturday, I'll use this as my Friday Question.

In light of two recent reports in the InComplisnce Magazine.  I feel prompted to ask if anyone on this forum can address a couple of questions.

Aside from the obvious concerns about vehicle safety, it occurs to me that there two problem that presently are missing in recent media reporting.  In particular for the Level 4 & 5 vehicles as described by the SAE and DOT report.

1) I understand that these vehicles, such as the fully automated Budwiser truck have avoidance systems. Given the human condition of today, I foresee the distinct possibility of drivers in other vehicles "playing around" in such a way as to try and force a response from the avoidance algorithms and cause these vehicles to crash themselves.  This kind of sport would be exactly what some types would enjoy. What sort of preventative measures have been taken in this regard? 

2) Given the lack of attention to hacking we have already witnessed in the Internet of Things (IoT) crowd, how are the driverless vehicle people doing with regard to the cyber security of these vehicles. That is, is it conceivable that someone may try to hack the truck's operating system and hijack it?

Thanks all,



Douglas E Powell 

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