Scott, et al,


               Having worked with developing markings for 60950 and 62368-1 it 
is clear that there needs to be latitude given in the final marking depending 
upon the details of the design and the approaches that seem to be the best fit 
for the application.  


               At the highest level it is clear that full color, legible 
complete markings are the most desirable.  However, there are issues in making 
that work in every instance.  Joshua’s example of a marking stamped in the 
stainless steel is a good example of that; it provides the marking in a durable 
way where it is applicable.    


               Hopefully, this type of practicality will not be forgotten in 
our work.  


:>)     br,      Pete


Peter E Perkins, PE

Principal Product Safety & Regulatory Affairs Consultant

PO Box 1067

Albany, ORe  97321-0413




IEEE Life Fellow

IEEE PSES 2020 Distinguished Lecturer

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Entropy ain’t what it used to be


From: Scott Xe <> 
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2021 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: [PSES] Hot surface sign


Dear Josh,


Although the contrast of warning size is not perfect, there is no specific 
requirement given and common on the product.






On Wed, 26 May 2021 at 22:14, Wiseman, Joshua 
<> > wrote:



At my previous employer we had the symbol stamped into the stainless steel of a 
part on the commercial griddle. A traditional label would not withstand the 
heat in this instance and with-it being part of the sheet metal it me all the 
cleaning and legibility requirements. It’s hard to see but I took a snippet of 
one from a video of the griddle on YouTube.





Joshua Wiseman

Staff Engineer, Product Safety/EMC/Systems


From: Scott Xe < <> > 
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 10:04 AM
Subject: [PSES] Hot surface sign


EXTERNAL SENDER: Verify links, attachments and sender before taking action


In some cooking appliances, there are some hot surfaces that may cause burn 
injury and safety standards suggest putting a hot surface sign to alert the 

*       Is there any specific colour requirement?  Common practice is black 
colour on yellow background or white colour on black background.
*       Is an embossed sign black on black considered as a legible sign in EU 
criteria perspective?
*       In case of ink-printed label, is it put on the top of the hot surface 
or next to the hot surface?  If on the top of surface, the colours are 
protected from heat degradation and specialized adhesives should be used to 
withstand higher temperatures.  Is there any test criteria for verification?

Thanks and regards,




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