Chris Radek wrote:

>On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 12:35:12PM -0700, Kirk Wallace wrote:
>>Previously, the dialog box would complain, but as soon as I got a valid
>>number entered it would stop complaining. Now, as soon as the error
>>message appears, it won't go away until I close the dialog box and start
>>over. I have learned that in order to keep from getting an error
>>message, I must keep an editable, but always valid number in the data
>>entry box. Even deleting the initial 0.0 will toggle the error, so I end
>>up clicking the end of the 0.0, back spacing ( 0.0| , 0.| , 0| ) to the
>>zero and entering the required number such as 01.032.
>You are not the first one to say this!  But, jeff and I have never
>seen it and are baffled by the reports.  Is there any pattern you
>can see that would help us reproduce the problem?
It doesn't fix the problem, but it may be easier to hit <home> then 
<shift>-<end>, then start typing.  That will move to the beginning of 
the edit field and then select to the end of the field, so whatever you 
type replaces what's there.

- Steve

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