I wonder if this is the same problem Fred is having? I have never used
steppers so I am clueless (well okay, more than normal).

On Sat, 2008-02-09 at 15:05 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  Hi,
> I am confused by an odd stepper problem which I can't understand. The 
>     stepper affected is the one driving my rotary axis and the problem
>     is 
>     that it won't go fast enough... To explain - if I issue a G1 command
>     in 
>     MDI, I am limited to a F20 speed as, beyond that, the stepper gets
>     very 
>     jittery and loses steps (at F40 it gives up altogether). However, if
>     I 
>     issue a G0 command, the stepper whirls away happily at 3 or 4 times
>     the 
>     speed and doesn't seem to lose steps at all (i.e. I can send it one
>     way 
>     and then the other and it returns to where it started.). So, what is
>     the 
>     difference between a G1 command and a G0 command and how can I get
>     the 
>     G1 speed to increase reliably up to almost the G0 speed?
>     I'm running the latest version of EMC2 on Ubuntu (unless I've missed
>     a 
>     service release in the last 2 weeks ).
> -- 
> Best wishes,
> Ian
> ____________
> Ian W. Wright
> Sheffield  UK
> "The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory
> than in practice..."
> -- 
Kirk Wallace (California, USA
Hardinge HNC lathe,
Bridgeport mill conversion, doing XY now,
Zubal lathe conversion pending)

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