On Apr 18, 2008, at 9:09 PM, Kirk Wallace wrote:

> On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 22:13 -0500, Jon Elson wrote:
> ... snip
>> No, I think I got your point exactly, and I don't think steppers
>> have a really good answer for this.  You can't split a step, or
>> tell it how long to take to get from one step to the next.  When
>> the step command is given, it goes "clunk", and depending on the
>> dynamics of the motor, machine, etc. it will either fall a
>> little short of the magnetic 'detent' or go past it.  Given a
>> good strong stepper moving at dead-slow speed, the magnetic
>> detend is at maximum strength, and friction should be moderate,
>> so it will almost certainly go past and then pull back.  That is
>> the nature of the beast!
> I read this at Wikipedia:
> "A new development in stepper control is to incorporate a rotor  
> position
> feedback (eg. an encoder or resolver), so that the commutation can be
> made optimal for torque generation according to actual rotor position.
> This turns the stepper motor into a high pole count brushless servo
> motor, with exceptional low speed torque and position resolution. An
> advance on this technique is to normally run the motor in open loop
> mode, and only enter closed loop mode if the rotor position error
> becomes too large -- this will allow the system to avoid hunting or
> oscillating, a common servo problem."

Sorry, Kirk but well tuned servo systems don't oscillate or hunt.

>> Microstepping can smooth this out to some extent, by splitting
>> steps, and portioning them out at some rate so as to interpolate
>> the movement.  But, it still can't make the magnetic detents
>> inherent in the motor a whole lot finer, so you can maybe get
>> reliable motion down to quarter steps or so, but soon friction
>> takes over, and any attempt to move in smaller increments breaks
>> up into stick-slip friction.  In other words, as I understand
>> it, in full steps, you get X torque.  With half-steps, you get
>> X/2 torque.  With quarter steps, you get X/4 pulling the rotor
>> into the "detent".  and so on, because the size of the detent
>> you are aiming at is getting smaller and smaller.  (I'm not
>> explaining this well, I'm not trying to say that the overall
>> torque of the motor is going down, it certainly is not.  What
>> I'm trying to say is that as the movement increments get
>> smaller, the torque developed to make those smaller angular
>> movements gets smaller.  Eventually, the motor doesn't move at
>> all for one microstep, then it moves more than that on the next
>> microstep.)
>>>> ...
> Please correct me if I am wrong, because I am making some of this up.
> With single stepping one stator winding acts on the rotor. The  
> rotor and
> stator poles match well so there is a tight sweet spot. With half
> stepping, some of the steps use one winding an others use two, so  
> their
> torque is nearly twice as much except the rotor poles are trying to
> compromise between two stator poles so there is a wider sweet spot  
> (?).
> I would think micro-stepping is just like this, except you get to  
> try to
> set where the compromise is. I don't know what quarter stepping is,  
> but
> if it adds a third winding in the mix, I would think the sweet spot
> would get wider, so even though the maximum torque is high, the
> stiffness at the ideal position is probably not so good.
>>> I am thinking that micro-stepping is like high servo encoder  
>>> resolution
>>> and is for dynamic control, not positional control. I would think  
>>> you
>>> would want full or half steps to set your positional accuracy and
>>> micro-stepping allows a means to work all the nasties while moving
>>> between the steps. This is pure speculation on my part.
>> There is a difference, however.  With microstepping, there is no
>> sensing of position, so you don't know if the motor is out of
>> position.  With a servo, the gain of the control system forces
>> it to respond even to VERY small errors.  So, you can take a
>> pretty ordinary DC motor, put a 10,000 cycle/rev encoder on it,
>> (which gives 40,000 quadrature counts/rev) and actually MAKE it
>> move one 40,000th of a turn!  You could never do that with a
>> microstepping drive.
>> Jon
> But, I don't think you can tune a real servo system down to the  
> last few
> encoder counts, or am I wrong?

I think you will find servo systems reporting following errors at low  
speeds in the 1E-4 to 1E-5 range
and 0.0005 to 0.001 at rapids.

> -- 
> Kirk Wallace (California, USA
> http://www.wallacecompany.com/machine_shop/
> Hardinge HNC/EMC CNC lathe,
> Bridgeport mill conversion, doing XY now,
> Zubal lathe conversion pending
> Craftsman AA 109 restoration
> Shizuoka ST-N/EMC CNC)
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