On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 09:12 -0400, Greg Michalski wrote:
... snip
> it can do to the machine (or you) if things go awry.  I wonder - did your 
> program actually specify a new tool (ie m6  t02) or just an m6 with you 
> knowing what tool it needed next.  My mill stops on the M6 T2 that was 
> generated by CamBam and waits (typically I'd been handcoding and doing 
> separate programs for each tool since I don't have an automated touch off 
> concept in place yet).  I'm not sure what the manual says about the M6 
> command but maybe somewhere in the code the toolchanger portion realizes the 
> tool is the same as that currently specifiec and lets the program run on, 
> though still pops up the window for the toolchange.
... snip

The g-code had a normal Tx M6 so the machine would have paused for the
tool change if I had the appropriate .hal setup which routes the
toolchange - toolchanged signals to some sort of conformation feature. I
knew this might be a problem, so I just tried to be very careful to be
ready with the e-stop button. Normally, I use the F1, but this time I
was ready with the AXIS button, or so I thought. I have a proper
hardware button on everything else, I just thought being careful would
be okay. That may be how the Challenger blew up.

Kirk Wallace (California, USA
Hardinge HNC/EMC CNC lathe,
Bridgeport mill conversion, doing XY now,
Zubal lathe conversion pending
Craftsman AA 109 restoration
Shizuoka ST-N/EMC CNC)

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