I just built a very cool sand table which uses a an x/y machine (no z
axis) to control a magnet on a gantry underneath a pan of sand. On top
of the sand is a ball bearing which drags along the sand to create
patterns. I'm using emc2 and axis to drive the setup which works very
well. My intent is to place mechanism and the computer in a coffee table
and drive the setup remotely through a web interface. I would still love
to use all of the motion control and g-code handling features of emc2
but I need to automate operations so scripts on the web server can
generate g-code and automatically have emc2 run it.

Is it possible to automate the running of emc2 and how would I go about
doing it?


Here are some photos of the setup:
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?id=576592429&aid=62294.  More recent
ones will be added shortly.


Here is a video of the table drawing its first pattern:


Thanks - Mike

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