Thanks for the quick response. I configured emcrsh and it is working
very well. I can do everything but open a file. No matter what I do the
file path I give is appended to "../../nc_files" and it is unclear where
the root of this relative path resides.  There is a parameter to the
load emcrsh command called "-ini" which I tried playing with but to no
avail. It appears to point to a nonexistent "emc.ini" file.
I tried pointing -ini to the ini file I use to run the machine but that
didn't seem to work.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks again - Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: Leslie Newell [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 11:31 AM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] How can I get emc to automatically run g-code
without an operator?

Hi Michael,

Sounds like a neat machine. I don't have  facebook account so I couldn't

see the pics.

Have a look at emcrsh 
<>. This gives you 
full control over EMC over a network or local sockets connection. As 
long nothing untoward happens on the machine (such as hitting limits 
etc) then you should be able to simply send a series of commands and 
assume they are executed. A better solution would be to monitor the 
responses and act on any errors. it depends on how much time you want to



Michael Dubno wrote:
> I just built a very cool sand table which uses a an x/y machine (no z
> axis) to control a magnet on a gantry underneath a pan of sand. On top
> of the sand is a ball bearing which drags along the sand to create
> patterns. I'm using emc2 and axis to drive the setup which works very
> well. My intent is to place mechanism and the computer in a coffee
> and drive the setup remotely through a web interface. I would still
> to use all of the motion control and g-code handling features of emc2
> but I need to automate operations so scripts on the web server can
> generate g-code and automatically have emc2 run it.
> Is it possible to automate the running of emc2 and how would I go
> doing it?
> Here are some photos of the setup:
>  More recent
> ones will be added shortly.
> Here is a video of the table drawing its first pattern:
> Thanks - Mike
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