On Fri, 17 Jul 2009, Leslie Newell wrote:

> Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 20:48:16 +0100
> From: Leslie Newell <les.new...@fastmail.co.uk>
> Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
>     <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Hostmot2 homing
> Hi Peter,
>> One difference is that the TTL inputs have an RC filter, the differential
>> inputs have none.
> Hmm, that could still point towards a noise issue then.
>> I wonder if your index outputs can drive the termination resistor. Have you
>> measured you index and /index outputs for reasonable differential output
>> voltage when terminated by the 7I29?
> The outputs swing from 0.48V to 4.1V. It makes no noticeable difference
> in either TTL or differential modes.

What I was asking about (maybe not very well) is differential drive: in other 
words measured between IDX and /IDX. This should be positive in one index 
state and negative in the other.

Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

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