On Thu, 16 Jul 2009, Leslie Newell wrote:

> Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 22:33:13 +0100
> From: Leslie Newell <les.new...@fastmail.co.uk>
> Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
>     <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Hostmot2 homing
> Hi Peter,
> I have been doing some more tests on this. Playing around with filters
> and screening had no noticeable effect. However I have hit an odd
> anomaly. Just out of interest I switched the 7I29 to single ended input
> and suddenly it is rock solid. So it can't be noise pickup in the
> cabling. Any ideas why differential inputs are causing a problem? I know
> both index and \index are connected correctly.

One difference is that the TTL inputs have an RC filter, the differential 
inputs have none.

I wonder if your index outputs can drive the termination resistor. Have you 
measured you index and /index outputs for reasonable differential output 
voltage when terminated by the 7I29?

Also are you sure about the jumpering: differntal mode is selectec with jumper 
W1 or W4 moved so its closer to the encoder 10 pin header

> Another odd thing - in differential mode if I disconnect one line the
> input toggles randomly, obviously picking up noise. Again, shouldn't a
> balanced input give no output with one line disconnected?

Im not sure there are any guarantees of what will happen if one input is 
connected to a possibly noisy input line and the other is open. I would not 
expect any outputs signal as I would expect the termination resistor to make 
the open input follow the noise driven input.

> By the way, is the 7i29 encoder circuitry the same as the 7i33?

Yes, and we've pretty much had 0 trouble with it.

> Les
>> The hardware works (just tested SV12 encoder 5). There may not be much
>> apparent difference between inverted or non-inverted index because they are
>> both edge triggered. It looks like the driver does not set the ABGateIndex 
>> bit
>> so what I said about index happening all the time with the wrong index
>> polarity would not happen, just the home position might change by a count or 
>> 2
>> depending in index width (assuming a normal rotary encoder short index).
>> If swapping the leads solves your problem, it might be electrical
>> troubles. The current driver not setting ABGateindex means a narrow index
>> pulse would work regardless of polarity though the home position would
>> change slightly depending on whether the rising or falling edge generates
>> the index event (since an edge is always needed)
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Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

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