
In addition to what Ray said, if you are up to writing a simple interface
you can use emcrsh described here:

This is a simple telnet like text interface which can be used to query
machine information and issue commands. It can be run either locally
(localhost) or over a network. You could sample the positions, and then
issue MDI commands to move to the desired points, or have it generate an
actual g-code file which can also be run over the same interface.

Since the interface is simple text, you just need to get your program to
issue and parse the same commands you type in through telnet.


(sorry for my poor english, I'm from france) 

I'm doing a machine to apply glue for photovoltaics modules assembly. 

The goal is to apply a line of silicon glue around a metal frame, before
assembly of the frame with the laminated photovoltaic module, and then to
make a second pass to fill the gap betwen the laminted module and the frame
border with the same glue. 

For the hardware part, the machine is very similar to lots of hobby CNCs
I've read about on the internet : it's a X Y Z table, moved with steppers,
and with te glue distribution system attached on the Z axis. 

I'm using EMC to control the steppers. 

And my problem is : is there any possibility in Axis, on with some other EMC
GUI, to "learn" moves by jogging manually the machine, and taking points,
then having the computer to move the machine making lines between theses

As the moves I need to do are very simples, (just drawing a square with the
glue, in fact), I think learning moves like this will be far more easy than
creating Gcode. And it will be easier to adapt the moves and speeds if I
have some tolerances issues with the frames or the modules. 

Some ideas ? 

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