> They all use F. However, If you do know otherwise
try a Siemens 810T post now that has some very fun cycles to program 
lots and lots of RXX=
and B for radius in turning no R
thank god devs didt take any of them two ideas and use on EMCs interpretior

the same with its stock removal R28 definds its feed in this cycle
its a right pain to program some days
find a post for that control on your cam and u should get afew ideas 
from it

steve as said already if F word is really a issue for you change the 
source code recompile job done.

just because fanuc do it one way does not mean its right way or the 
wrong way, just the way fanuc chose to do it and the way every one else 
pretty much chose to copy

as for the G32 im sure if u coded it up the devs would add it into EMC 
no problem

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