Steve Blackmore wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 13:02:12 -0500, you wrote:
>>> For interest, these are the only lines in my hal file that refer to
>>> encoder, can anybody see anything wrong or missing?
>>> loadrt encoder num_chan=1
>>> setp encoder.0.position-scale 500.000000
>>> net spindle-position encoder.0.position => motion.spindle-revs
>>> net spindle-velocity encoder.0.velocity => motion.spindle-speed-in
>>> net spindle-index-enable encoder.0.index-enable <=>
>>> motion.spindle-index-enable
>>> net spindle-phase-a encoder.0.phase-A
>>> net spindle-phase-b encoder.0.phase-B
>>> net spindle-index encoder.0.phase-Z
>> There has to be an addf for the encoder component for it to be run, that 
>> assigns which RT thread
>> it runs at, hence its sampling rate.
> oops missed
> addf encoder.update-counters base-thread
OK, good, but what is the rate of the bate thread set to?  That value is 
brought over
from a line in your xxxx.ini file.  There are probably 3 lines that read 
something like :
# Base task period, in nanoseconds - this is the fastest thread in the 
BASE_PERIOD =                50000
# Servo task period, in nanoseconds - will be rounded to an integer multiple
SERVO_PERIOD =               1000000
# Trajectory Planner task period, in nanoseconds - will be rounded to an
#   integer multiple of SERVO_PERIOD
TRAJ_PERIOD =                10000000

Can you tell me what laa of these lines read in your .ini file?

But, at least, you have the encoder counters running at the base-thread 
rate.  I was afraid you might have
been running the counter at the servo thread rate, which would really 
slow the sampling rate.  (Note the
above quoted numbers are NOT a recommended setting, just to show the 
part of the file in question.


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