Let's take the case of a 5i20 board running hostmot2.

hostmot2 uses a DDS algorithm and tracks the low 16 bits of the step

Every servo cycle emc reads the step count from the board then sends a
new frequency command to the board.

hostmot2 uses a DDS algorithm based on a 33MHz clock.  This makes the
absolute maximum step rate 16MHz (one clock HIGH, one clock LOW).

In order to be able to accurately extend the step count from 16 bits
to 64 bits, the delta between consecutive samples can be at most 32767.
But with a 1ms servo period, the limit that this imposes is about 32MHz,
so the original 16MHz limit is more limiting.  But if you were to run
with a markedly slower servo period, it could become a limiting factor
(e.g., with a 5ms servo period this imposes a limit around 6MHz)

The main limit is the minimum step period.  Step space and length are
rounded up to hostmot2 clocks, 30ns.  For example, a timing of 10us
will be rounded up to 334 clocks or 10.02us, and a timing of 15us will
be exactly 500 clocks.   So if you have a steplen of 15 and stepspace of
10, you'll actually get a minimum step time of 25.02us and a maximum
step rate of just under 40kHz.

In practice I'd knock a few percent off this number.  For instance,
itter can cause the requested step rate to vary a little in both
directions, as the number of steps reported from the previous cycle
varies a bit from what would be seen if the realtime performance was


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