As you upgrade Linux, it installs new (hopefully bugfixed) versions of the 
kernel.  But it doesn't automatically remove the older versions of the kernel, 
for in case the new version doesn't work.

Once you're happy that the new version of the kernel boots & works, you can 
remove the older versions, and they'll disapear from the grub boot menu.

Sebastian Kuzminsky
never be discouraged
just let your nerdy flourish

-----Original Message-----

From:  "Ian W. Wright" <>
Subj:  [Emc-users] linux dual boot
Date:  Sat 2010 Mar 6 7:37
Size:  1K

Hi, does anyone know where Ubuntu or Windows Vista puts its 
boot info? I have a laptop which came with Win Vista (yuk..) 
installed and I then installed Ubuntu 9.10 accepting all its 
defaults except the hard drive partition size where I asked 
it to split the hard drive in two equal parts for Windoze 
and Linux. I get an initial boot screen which looks like it 
could be Grub - i.e. its all black with white text for 
choices. The trouble is that, every time linux downloads an 
upgrade, I get another 3 or 4 entries on the list of choices 
and it now fills the whole screen. I tried doing 'text 
within files' searches (with hidden files turned on) for 
'Ubuntu', 'Linux' etc. but have drawn a blank. Can anyone 
give me a clue where the list of options is kept nowadays so 
that I can remove some of the old entries and move the 
others around?  Thanks..

Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

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