The way I got around this problem is to use the hal_input component with 
a USB game port adapter such as this one 
These ones 
don't work very well.

These adapters work with the absolute position of a potentiometer so 
there are no problems with losing position after a shutdown. It is also 
much cheaper than using encoders. If you want you can use a hacked 
joystick but the adapter is more tidy. I did find that they are a bit 
sensitive to EMI so it is best to keep them well away from power wiring.

I know this goes against the EMC way of doing things but who is going to 
want to use a GUI based override when you have a nice convenient knob on 
the front panel? I use this for feed override, spindle override and 
rapid override.


Kirk Wallace wrote:
> Thanks to some help from the IRC (tom3p), I got the encoder working with
> AXIS's spindle override. One problem I am still having is that when AXIS
> starts, the spindle override always starts at 100% even though the knob
> is usually at a different setting. When I move the knob, the override
> moves proportionally with the knob until I hit the 0 to 1024 encoder
> boundary. After this the knob and the slider agree. Is there a way to
> have AXIS start with the knob setting?

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