On 3/13/2010 6:29 AM, Mark Wendt (Contractor) wrote:
> At 01:37 PM 3/12/2010, you wrote:
>> Mark Wendt (Contractor) wrote:
>>> Heh, and you're complaining that an x-ray inspection system is one of
>>> those "can't do at home" kinda thingies...
>> If you stick your hand past all the guards and manage to not tease the
>> door sensors, it could mash your hand, that's about the worst it could do.
>> An X-ray machine could be really dangerous to others, even at a good
>> distance, if not properly shielded.  I think that makes quite a
>> difference, especially to federal regulatory agencies.
>> Of course, I have a modified toaster oven for relowing the solder on
>> boards, a whole darkroom with laser photoplotter to make master artwork
>> which I now use to photo-etch solder stencils.  And that's another
>> thing, ****SOLDER****!  Yikes, having (Gasp) lead-bearing solder in your
>> home, to hear some people talk you'd think it would turn your house into
>> a superfund cleanup site.
>> Jon
> Reminds me of how we used to play with mercury in science class in
> school.  Now, if you happen to accidentally break one of those CFL
> bulbs in your home, you're supposed to call the hazmat crew...
> Mark

In my Jr. High biology class back in the early 70's a student broke a 
large mercury thermometer and mercury balls were all over the lab 
floor.   In order to clean up the mess, we all got on our knees and 
scooted the little mercury balls back together and the teacher picked up 
the resultant mercury puddle up with a pipette.    As I recall he told 
us not to touch the liquid metal as it might not be a good thing.   So 
we used paper etc to scoot the little balls around the floor.  Amazingly 
I survived that eco disaster.  ;-)  If that happened today, I imagine 
the school would be evacuated and they would probably have to fill the 
classroom with concrete in order to contain the eco disaster.  ;-)

I think that was about the time I was working at the hardware store 
repairing small engines.   My favorite parts cleaner was Carbon 
Tetrachloride .     That stuff worked like magic, it cut grease really 
well.....   Hmmmm, don't think you can buy that stuff anymore..

Jon if you want to get an Xray machine and keep it in a trailer.  I 
might be hook you up with a lead lined trailer.   I happen to know where 
you can get one.  And the price is right!     That way you could keep 
your superfund site on wheels and move it when necessary!

If the feds come a knocking, you can claim that you have no idea where 
that semi trailer came from that is parked in front of your house ....   ;-)


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