On 9/28/2010 Kirk Wallace wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-09-27 at 10:42 -0700, Mike Payson wrote:
>> >  Not technically a PDA, but this would be easy to install in a pendant and
>> >  should do everything you need:
>> >  
>> >  http://andahammer.com/mini3/?PHPSESSID=c47b0c96938c86847ccf80119dab7d42
> > From my brief look at it, it looks ideal (34 GPIO pins, yea). I would be
> mounting it, or the display at least, at the focal point of a lens of
> the same size as the display area. This will project the image up to a
> clear glass panel, tilted 45 degrees to the telescope view. The user
> looks straight through the glass to see stars and also the reflection of
> the screen.
> (eye)<                       \ (glass)
> (view of screen and star)      \
>                              <==>   (lens)
>                              [--]  (screen)
>          ----------------------------                                   *
>          |       (telescope)        |                              (star)
>          |                          |
>          ----------------------------
>                    /|\
>                   / | \
>                  /  |  \

Wow, Kirk, as a guy who never got past grinding a mediocre 6inch 
reflector 50 years ago but still loves skywatching, I love your 
application. It looks like a winner.

Were I in your shoes, I'd pilot this application by running the software 
on a vanilla low-power motherboard (of which we've had several 
discussions on this list) and lashing up a display out of whatever was 
at hand. That way, I'd be sure I could run Kstars and anything else I 
thought of along the way, I'd have the parallel port, and I could play 
with display technologies to find what works best. Among other things, 
this would allow me to keep some mass off the telescope tube.

If I decided to start with a PDA, I'd consider running a vnc client on 
it (just like I'm trying to do on my Insignia Infocast) so I could do 
the serious processing elsewhere. This was the approach I took some 
years ago when I was using HP/Compaq iPAQs to prototype first-responder 
applications at work.

Good hunting and please let us know how it works out!


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