On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 01:38:44PM -0500, John Kasunich wrote:
> The HAL component is technically a decoder and counter of those signals,
> but if we called it a decoder people would be really confused.

Feeding the output of a physical encoder to a software encoder leaves
the signal double encoded, and me thoroughly confused. Feeding an
encoded signal to a decoder means that it has been recovered. That is so
simple that I'm having some trouble comprehending how that is supposed
to lead to confusion?

Just as a step-up transformer and transmission line is not followed by
another step-up transformer to return to low voltage; a line driver's
output is connected to a line receiver; and a generator is connected to
a motor in an electrical drive, it follows that a decoder is _needed_
if the output of an encoder is to be used. (Whether quadrature, HDB3,
stereo, or dehydrated beans.)

I agree with Kirk, and believe that "double encoder" thinking is muddled
and confused. Saying what we mean would be a useful step toward clarity,
and reduce the steepness of the EMC2 learning curve for all.

> Calling it an "encoder counter" or "encoder interface" would be better
> than just "encoder", but people usually know what we mean.  Likewise,
> hardware boards that support quadrature signals with or without index
> pulses usually call them "encoder inputs" or "encoder counters".

Yup, the "encoder inputs" are fed by the encoders, but exist on the
decoder. (My stereo amplifier has a "phono" input, but that doesn't mean
that there's a turntable in there.)

> > It's really just mice nuts, but I'm doing jury duty right now, so I
> > may me in a lawyer's frame of mind.
> Lawyers, ewww.

Apologies all, if my search for clarity and accuracy also seems


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