I believe there are a few people using the Pico Systems brush PWM servo 
amp with
mesa controller boards.  One quirk of the brush servo amp is that after 
being enabled
(coming out of E-stop) it needs a short pulse in each direction to reset 
the shutdown
latch in the FET driver chips.  In the ppmc driver for the Universal PWM 
I have a state machine that does this on two consecutive servo cycles, 
it is enabled
by setting the bootstrap parameter to true.

Anybody using our brush servo amps with other controller boards would 
need to
provide the same function.  Looking through the hostmot2 documents, I 
don't see
any such function as being built in.  Certainly, a little HAL component 
could be
inserted between the PID outputs and the pwmgen inputs to generate these 
and then pass through the normal signals.

I have a customer looking at using the brush PWM servo amp with a 5i20, 
and wanted
to get this detail figured out.

Thanks for any info on what users are doing about this....


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