On Tue, 25 Jan 2011, jros wrote:

> Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 14:44:05 +0100
> From: jros <j...@unavarra.es>
> To: joachim.fra...@pibf.de,
>     "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] DIY BLDC Motors - FCM8201,2 and IRAMS
>> I get some used PMSM from auctions. Replacing the
>> bearings gives them a second life. Keep the angle position
>> of the resolver on the rotor! So you can test it with
>> an old (with analog velocity input) 3 phase power supply.
>> Usually this motors run very smooth if the stator pack
>> is twisted giving nearly no torque ripple (assuming
>> rotating magnets).
>> Motors with torque ripple maybe used as a drive
>> if the control can do a predistortion to the
>> current to compensate for the ripple. But I
>> have not seen this until now with my eyes.
> I can see you've be seriously dealing  with the internals of PMSM, and I
> would like to discuss a little bit about the subject,as I'm facing some
> problems related to torque rippling issue.
> I agree with your comments, but it looks like complicated, as some sort
> of
> identification/calibration should be needed. Plus a resolver, I mean you
> need to track the absolute position of the shaft during a single
> revolution (may be, there are suitable encoders for that work).
> Plus, I think that the logic should be implemented directly in the
> electronics driving directly the motor, as the compensation strategy
> should be fairly quick. Driving a variable intensity command from EMC
> will certainly limit the strategy to low rpm.

I dont think so (unless you are considering high speed spindle motors). For 
servo motors its not really a problem. For example with a 4 pole servo motor 
(so 120 Hz for a reasonable 3600 RPM max speed) a 4 KHz servo loop will keep 
the maximum electrical angle error < 10.8 degrees at 3600 RPM which will keep 
torque ripple contributed by angular error issues less than 1.8%, and much 
better at slower speeds, decreasing to ~0.2 percent at 1200 RPM

My guess is that magnetic irregularities and lack of good sine wave drive are 
more likely culprits for your cogging issues.

> I've seen some guys trying to do such compensation dealing with this
> when using linear motors, that I presume are very similar to PMSM.
> I suppose that this problem important to them probably because the
> aforementioned lack of twisting, but also because it is a Direct-Drive
> application. That is, no reduction, and then low velocity.
> What do you think about this?:
> I've seen referred this torque ripple as "cogging", I can feel it
> in my setup (www.imac.unavarra.es/~cnc) rotating the shaft by hand my
> motors switched off. I'm pretty sure that this is the main responsable
> of the vibrations I feel in the robot at low velocities. I'm using an
> almost direct driving.

That is strange, all the (larger) PMSMs we have used have very near 0 cogging 
when no power is applied.

> Do you think that this is an indication that my stator is not twisted?.
> So I'm thinking about using pulleys to introduce some sort of reduction,
> but I'm not sure if this is going to lower the problem. I mean, for a
> frictionless reduction strategy, I would get a increase in rotor
> velocity, but also a lower level of torque. I see a benefit as the
> rippling frequency will be increased. But wouldn't worsen the ripple to
> torque ratio, and then introduce more problems?.
> I've been thinking about increasing the  bandwidth  of the PID (I'm
> controlling intensity), hoping that the feedback can be able to
> compensate the cogging, but may be then other sources of noise can
> become more important.

If your system has a high enough bandwidth, running the servo thread faster 
will help. I've noticed that with our test bed dynamomter and 3 KW PMSM, a 1 
KHz servo loop rate is too slow for good performance, 2 or 4 KHz being 
noticebly better, allowing much larger P and D terms and coorespondingly lower 
following errors.

> Then may be an identification + feedforward compensation can be the best
> solution. I think it can be implemented in EMC, up to some bandwidth.
> Identification can be the hard part, but if a good homing strategy is
> available, is looks like possible.
> I'm thinking about making such a implementation. Do you think that it
> can improve things?.
> Also what is your position about the best motor/driver type for
> direct-drive position control applications.
> I hope this discussion helps some body else to enlighten thing. It
> certainly helps me.
> Cheers,
> Javier

Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

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