On 01/31/2011 12:08 PM, gene heskett wrote:
>> I was suggesting using your gantry as a planer head.
> So would I, but first, because its alu, I have to ask:  Is is alu for some
> reason related to interaction with the bamboo?, or just for the expediency
> of construction?
> I would, because the alu will eventually wear, consider overlaying the alu
> with twin strips of steel, epoxied to the alu bed so that the vacuum slot
> is not effected, but raised by the thickness of the steel strip.  This
> would, I think, give a longer wearing surface after the top of the strips
> were ground dead flat to whatever sag may be in the carriage rods, using
> the gentle touch of a drill doctor wheel to do the actual grinding.
> That would of course bring up the thermal effects on the flatness as it
> would probably only be truly true to the carriage at only one temperature,
> tending to warp up and down with the thermometer reading.  I can think of
> ways to control that, all of which are a bigger PIYA though.
> Grinding the alu to flat is not a workable idea because of alu's tendency
> to plug up the grinding wheel, not even the drill doctor wheel would be
> immune to that.  Thought, flood the alu with k1, lots of it, recycling the
> runoff, and still use the drill doctor diamond wheel, but turning slowly
> enough so as not to throw the K1 all over.  This should help prevent the
> wheel from plugging up to a large extent by keeping its surface wet.  Move
> the carriage slowly, say 2-4 hours to make one pass, feed it a thou closer
> and retrace, repeat till a clean cut is obtained.
> I have no idea how long an aquarium pump would last pumping k1, but that
> should be an ample flow rate to keep the area flooded and clean.  You
> would, with the diamond wheel, be cutting an un-oxidized surface once the
> initial cut has been made, or as least an only slightly oxidized surface
> due to the oxygen reduction the film of k1 assures, making the wear of the
> diamonds much less.
> Can you show us a piccy of this track from the end on view?  With a tape
> measure for scale?

Okay, here's some pics of the hold-down bed and the cutting head. 
First, an unadulterated pic of the hold-down bed:

> http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5217/5407421436_d806332728_b.jpg

Next, with Gene's tape measure...  ;-):

> http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5011/5407421544_6c86112d0d_b.jpg

Quick and dirty view of the cutting head:

> http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5293/5407421640_9da64c20c4_b.jpg

And last but not least, the entire cutting head:

> http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5254/5407421742_99bee52187_b.jpg

I've got about 70% of it draw filed and scraped.  I'm gonna need Gene's 
hydraulic can crusher with all the spinach I've been eating.  ;-)


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