On 31 January 2011 10:53, Mark Wendt <mark.we...@nrl.navy.mil> wrote:

>     Let's hope it won't change shape!  Oy, now I need to learn comp.
> That may take longer than the draw filing and scraping...  ;-)

In case I was not clear, comp will compile and install files written
in C (as the kinematics files are) as well as files written in "comp"

I suspect that the best way to use Stuart's kinematics would by the
simple expedient of putting your machine on his Cincinatti and milling
it flat.

Though that actually prompts me to think of another solution. Have you
ever seen a Planer?

You could probably true up your bed with a single-point lathe tool,
possibly cranking the feed by hand if the travel motors are not up to
the job.

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