On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 10:31:17AM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> But code snippets like this usually never get to my emc box.  Yes, its an 
> smbmount on this box, but despite my being the user gene on both boxes, 
> because *buntu's start user numbers at 1000 whereas the rest of the 
> universe starts at 500, I have no write permissions there.
> So, how can I setup cifs to autotranslate this, or possibly add myself as a 
> group member on the *buntu box, so that these permission problems are 
> eliminated?

There are different ways to cure that, but synchronising your UID on the
two machines is perhaps the most transparent way:

$ sudo usermod -u 1000 gene    # Change uid on the other box: 500 -> 1000
                               # (Have to stay > 1000 on the ubuntu box.)
                               # From the manpage:
                               # Any files which the user owns and which
                               # are located in the directory tree rooted
                               # at the user´s home directory will have
                               # the file user ID changed automatically.
                               # Files outside the user´s home directory
                               # must be altered manually.

                               # This'll do that last bit, if needed:
$ sudo find / -uid 500 -exec chown gene '{}' \;

To check first whether it finds what we want (if any are there to be

$ sudo find / -uid 500 -exec ls '{}' \; | more

That'll be easier to keep straight than any "autotranslation" which
tries to make one uid out of two, after the horse has bolted, I suspect.

Hope that's sorta useful, Gene.


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Their tastes may not be the same.
                                     -- George Bernard Shaw

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