On Fri, 2011-03-04 at 11:20 -0600, Chris Radek wrote:
... snip
> Sorry to be blunt, but your final question makes me wonder whether you
> understand the issue.
> This is about using cutter comp with concave corners.  When you do
> that, a fillet is left because the cutter is round.  It does not cause
> a gouge.

It doesn't gouge, because currently EMC2 sees that I did a silly thing
and tries to compensate.

>    I do not know what you mean by strict gouging alarm.
> Chris

I want to be warned if the cutter gouges at the end of the commanded
path, without the automatic path compensation. When I create g-code for
a concave corner, I include the largest radius that the design will
tolerate, then use a cutter with a radius equal to or less than the
designated radius. 

This is part of the ancient issue of the designer usually not providing
a drawing or g-code program complete enough for the machinist to make
the part without guessing what the the designer intended. Design +
Guessing = Result, the guessing component (by EMC2 or a machinist)
should be as small as it can practically and economically be.
Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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