> 2011/4/1 Stephen Wille Padnos <spad...@sover.net>:
>> It's probably not the interpreter that needs improvement, actually.  HAL
>> can handle as many actuators as you want (subject to some execution time
>> limits that nobody has come close to yet).  One could easily write a
>> very very simple motion control HAL component, which can have multiple
>> instances.  This might be something like a limit3 that takes into
>> account multiple inputs simultaneously.  If there were a userspace
>> component to feed positions (think like halsampler/halstreamer or
>> something), then you'd be all set.
>> This is probably closer to what the original question was, since it's
>> unlikely that any pick&place machine cares what the next one is doing.
>> It's also not necessary to use G-code to command a pick&place - it only
>> needs 2(.5)D coordinated motion and some I/O.
> Please correct me, if I am missing something:
> 1) the only way I imagine, how one can describe the "2(.5)D
> coordinated motion", is by g-code.
> 2) if You want several coordinated motions simultaneously, then You
> need several instances of trajectory planner (or other module that is
> responsible for coordinating the moves), because AFAIK currently EMC
> cannot simultaneously control more than one tool, it can execute only
> one coordinated motion at a time.

The language that we call "G-code" is only one flavor of machine control
codes, and it's a relatively complex one.

The G-code used for PCB files (gerber files) is significantly simpler, and
is closer to what is needed for a pick&place machine.  What should be
needed for a P&P machine is to have a set of "macros" for picking up
various parts, probably some set of macros for centering the part (or
detecting center with e.g. a camera), and a set of macros for placing the
part (ie, SMT parts are just mashed into place, through hole (if anyone
still uses those :) ) used to have little circular jog motions until the
pins caught in the holes, etc).

You then might have a "language" that has a form something like this:
<feeder #>, <pickup orientation>, <pickup macro code>, <centering macro
code>, <Target X>, <Target Y>, <target orientation>, <placement macro
code> [, <movement speed>]

The pickup, centering, and placement macros could also be defaulted by
feeder, since a feeder only supplies one type of part for a given build. 
Movement speed and pickup orientation are also feeder/part dependent, so
they could be left out.

In the end, you get something like what a PCB program spits out for a
pick&place file:
Designator Footprint               Mid X         Mid Y         Ref X      
  Ref Y         Pad X         Pad Y TB      Rotation Comment

R8         0402_RES              4078mil       2625mil       4078mil      
2625mil       4078mil       2644mil  T        270.00 56K 1%
R4         0402_RES              3277mil       2567mil       3277mil      
2567mil       3277mil       2548mil  T         90.00 33K 1%
R3         0402_RES              3814mil       2350mil       3814mil      
2350mil       3833mil       2350mil  T        180.00 33K 1%
R2         0402_RES              3000mil       2680mil       3000mil      
2680mil       3019mil       2680mil  T        180.00 100 ohm
R1         0402_RES              3000mil       2616mil       3000mil      
2616mil       3019mil       2616mil  T        180.00 100 ohm

(sorry about the word wrapping)

An "interpreter" that takes in this file format or similar would be a much
better match for this kind of machine.  The HAL layer would need to have
all the stepgens and hardware drivers loaded as a single realtime system,
but the stepgens would be fed by a custom interpreter and simplified state
machine (for the pickup/place macros).  There is no need for a coordinated
motion controller, since all movements are like G0 - it's irrelevant what
path is taken to get to the endpoint, what matters is that you get there
(without hitting anything).

RS274NGC is overkill and inefficient for this kind of machine.


- Steve

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