>> Look at what Anders Wallin is doing with opencamlib 
>> http://www.anderswallin.net/
> Thanks for the link. Look good: http://code.google.com/p/opencamlib/

Hi all,

There are about three or four parts (objects) that make up a
simulation. Some are sort of ready, some are not.
(a) interpreter (read in g-code, call simulator with something close
to emc2 canon-commands)
(b) stock model. Now I am using a scalar distance field stored in an
octree. Some of the better isosurface extraction algorithms store
exact intersections as well as normal data in the octree also.
(c) surface extraction. This algorithm/object looks at the octree and
produces triangles for rendering. The simplest one is classic
lorensen&cline marching-cubes, but there are newer ones that handle
sharp edges better.
(d) rendering interface. My latest experiment uses a Qt QGLWidget (a
wrapper around OpenGL) and an OpenGL VBO to store triangles. The stock
model calls deleteTriangle on triangles that are cut, the surface
extraction algorithm calls addTriangle to add new triangles.

I have not looked at (a) seriously at all. It would be great if
someone familiar with the emc2 interp could help.

For now (b) stores a scalar distance field, and the updates are done
with the tool "static", i.e. positioned at some (x,y,z) position. This
means that a G0/1/2/3 move should be sampled densely and the cutter
subtracted for each sample position. A fancier/faster(?) version would
calculate the cutter sweep volume for a G0/1/2/3 move and subtract the
whole sweep. This is not trivial for 4/5-axis simultaneous G1/2/3

I have a simple marching-cubes algorithm for (c). Extended marching
cubes (Kobbelt) or dual contouring (Ju et al) would be better, but
also more computationally expensive. Requires some rewriting of the
octree and cutting-volume classes to store 'hermite'-data (exact
intersections and normals). Kobbelt has a reference implementation
online which should prove useful to at least look at.

For rendering (d) I am using QGLWidget just because I got it to work
quite painlessly. For emc2 any OpenGL/toolkit would do. I was driving
things(c++ objects) from python previously, but now I think that is
too slow for rendering and it all needs to be c++.

As usual I have a lot of pdf papers about these things if anyone wants
to read! :)

I am a bit busy now in May but if there is interest, esp. wrt. emc2
interpreter and opengl/rendering on emc2-distro or even AXIS, then it
would be great to get something going in June or so.


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