
I am not certain I am interpreting your comment "The firmware doesn't apply
acceleration limiting, which I regard as a major limitation on performance
and dependability"  correctly, but if you mean that the firmware doesn't do
acceleration at all (it is either full speed or not moving), that is a
limitation of the Makerbot firmware. Pretty much everyone else in the RepRap
world have moved on to one of two Acceleration-capable firmwares, either
Triffid_Hunter's Teacup or Kliment's Sprinter.

Many people have used EMC to drive their RepRaps, it certainly is possible.
Personally I use EMC for my router, but I think it is a terrible idea for a
Printer. I personally view the RepRap as an appliance, not a shop tool (at
least that is my goal), so I strongly favor the RepRap's traditional
integrated MCU based driver. The goal is to have the printer almost as easy
to use as your 2d printer. We are not quite there yet, but I expect that the
usability will take a big jump forward in a couple months when the next gen
electronics we are working on comes out.


On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Ed Nisley <ed.08.nis...@pobox.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 19:17 -0400, Colin K wrote:
> > you can make very complex geometries
> > without multiple setups or fixtures
> That's why I got a Thing-O-Matic: create near-net parts that don't need
> much finishing. This one came out perfectly:
> http://softsolder.com/2011/05/27/thing-o-matic-caliper-repair-perfection/
> The parts have a rather hand-knitted aspect that doesn't matter for the
> things I build. Some close-ups:
> http://softsolder.com/2011/04/18/hbp-aluminum-build-plate-abs-film-win/
> It's handy for cranking out one-off parts on short notice:
> http://softsolder.com/2011/06/11/stepper-motor-sync-wheel/
> Fortunately, some parts really don't have any accuracy specs:
> http://softsolder.com/2011/06/02/thing-o-matic-graduation-day/
> Being that sort of bear, I've tweaked / improved / rebuilt / replaced
> much of the printer's innards and now have something that works quite
> well. Other folks have had zero problems with the stock printer, so much
> of what I've done has been along the lines of "That doesn't seem quite
> right, I'd rather do it this way" rather than the rare "Dang, it's
> busted!" Like, for example, my experience with the stock stepper motors:
> http://softsolder.com/2011/05/05/thing-o-matic-mbi-stepper-motor-analysis/
> It now produces good parts almost every time, although you must design
> parts with the printer's limitations in mind. The smallest feature will
> be a bit under 1 mm, you can put edges anywhere with resolution around
> 0.05 mm, it doesn't do steep overhangs very well at all, and the objects
> must fit in a more-or-less 100 mm cube.
> But you can print some truly odd things:
> http://softsolder.com/2011/05/02/what-would-barbie-pack/
> The firmware doesn't apply acceleration limiting, which I regard as a
> major limitation on performance and dependability. I'd like to plug the
> motrors into EMC2 and whip up some HAL / ladder logic to control the
> extruder & temperatures, but I've reached my tinkering limit for a
> while.
> DIY 3D printing is *definitely* not a plug-and-play experience!
> If you have nothing better to do for a while, my blog's Thing-O-Matic
> category may be amusing...
> --
> Ed
> http://softsolder.com
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