
You might check whether pncconf is producing the proper polarity in the 
INI file for INPUT_SCALE (for the encoder) and OUTPUT_SCALE (for the PWM 
& servos).

I believe there was a bug in an earlier version of pncconf. I ran into 
that and had to edit the INI file by hand to make both values negative, 
which was required for my setup.


On 08/17/2011 07:53 PM, Scott Hasse wrote:
> OK, so this has turned into a more interesting problem than I initially
> thought it would be.  I've used halmeter to verify that, for instance,
> pin pid.x.enable is indeed getting enabled when the machine gets to the on
> state.  Additionally, the pid.x.output becomes non-zero after the machine is
> turned to the on state, so I believe EMC2 for some reason thinks the motor
> needs to move.
> One odd thing is that I have triple verified in the pncconf open loop test
> that pressing + moves the table in the X+ direction and the encoders reflect
> positive movement.  Negative moves the table in the X- direction and the
> encoders reflect negative movement.  My encoders might not be absolutely
> scaled correctly, but they are in the ballpark.  This "correct"
> configuration requires me to have the motor directions reversed.  Under that
> configuration the mill wants to run away fairly rapidly.  However, when the
> directions are aligned such pressing - in the pncconf open loop test
> actually moves it in a X+ direction, it reaches a following limit but not
> nearly as rapidly.
> With the servo amp input signal grounded, the axes do indeed move a tiny
> amount, but my understanding is that is OK and the the EMC2 PID feedback
> loop should correct that.
> I've put the full pncconf, hal and ini configuration files under revision
> control here:
> The configs are 100% generated via pncconf, no hand-editing.
> This one for now has me stumped, so I'll have to sleep on it.  Again, thanks
> all for the great advice.  I still suspect I have a simple problem, but I
> cannot figure out what.
> Scott
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 4:03 PM, James Louis
> <>wrote:
>> Scott,
>> You got a lot of replies on a topic with a lot of fog surrounding it, but I
>> need to chime in here so you don't repeat my mistake: I broke a motor
>> coupling about a year ago during servo tuning.  The sound almost scared the
>> coolant out of me!
>> I am no controls expert, but I now know why it happened.  It was because I
>> didn't model my own system before blindly tinkering with the ini file.
>> Before doing anything I would advise knowing your Anilam servo amps.  For
>> example, my Yaskawa servo amps close a current loop internally, then have a
>> velocity loop outside of that with adjustable P and I (via autotuning).
>> EMC2 then closes the outermost position loop using only P and FF1.  This is
>> known as a P/PI Cascade Loop with Velocity Feed Forward.  The I and D terms
>> in my ini file remain at zero!
>> It took a lot of reading outside of EMC2 documentation to cut through the
>> fog, but it is now clear to me.  There are several possible ways of nesting
>> loops and combining control terms beside PID, so don't fall for the "add a
>> little of this and then a little of that" approach.
>> Jim
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Scott Hasse []
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 2:32 PM
>> To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
>> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23/7i33TA servo instability question
>>   I'm in the shop working on this right now and am wondering how to verify
>> the
>> PID loop is providing feedback to each axis.  I've been using pncconf to
>> generate the configuration, and assumed since it allows you to set PID that
>> it would configure it to feedback automatically.  However, since I've been
>> using pncconf as a crutch, I'm not sure off-hand how to config PID feedback
>> is working.  I see P, I, D values in the ini file for each axis, but I am
>> still seeing small amounts of servo instability.
>> I see the instability even with the servo signal grounded.
>> I have followed this page:
>> and verified that the output voltages are correct, but get stumped at the:
>> Set up PID loop add the loop and interconnect step.
>> Thanks in advance for any advice,
>> Scott
>> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 7:55 AM, John Thornton<>  wrote:
>>> The 1100M came both ways with glass scales (earlier model) then with
>>> encoder feedback. Mine is the encoder variety of 1100M.
>>> John
>>> On 8/17/2011 7:28 AM, andy pugh wrote:
>>>> On 17 August 2011 04:15, Scott Hasse<>   wrote:
>>>>> To the point, though, I am having one not-so-minor problem.  When I
>>> enable
>>>>> the servos, they are not completely stable, and I'll get following
>> error
>>>>> almost immediately after enabling them.  They don't run away, but the
>>>>> encoders show them moving ever so slightly, and physically the motors
>>>>> actually are moving.
>>>> Are you retaining the velocity feedback to the amps, so that they run
>>>> an internal velocity loop, and then you use velocity commands to close
>>>> your position loop based on the encoders?
>>>> The previous Anilam system I chatted to someone about had velocity
>>>> tachs on the motors and linear scales, no rotary encoders.
>>>> So, in Anilam control is the feedback from linear scales, and encoders
>>>> in EMC2 mode?

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