Hello, Peter!

2011. gada 16. septembris 16:23 Peter C. Wallace <p...@mesanet.com> rakstīja:
> Mode 2 is correct for the 7I48, what bit file are you using?

My first email on this thread:
> I am using this customized firmware, that was kindly provided by Peter 
> Wallace:
> http://www.cutting.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/SVST6_6.BIT
> http://www.cutting.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/SVST6_6.PIN

> are you sure you have the correct 7I43 connector?

Yes, 7i48 is attached to P4 connector.
I will check the cables with multimeter. From 7i43 to 7i48 and also
to/from servo drives. Although I do not see any symptoms for bad
wiring, I will try to check them to make sure .

> Also whats driving the PWM signal value?

In HAL file I have:
net emcmot.00.pos-cmd axis.0.motor-pos-cmd => pid.0.command pid.1.command
net pid-0-out  pid.0.output     =>  hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.00.value
setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.00.output-type 2
setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.00.scale  [AXIS_0]OUTPUT_SCALE

I wanted to check, if servo drives respond to any signal from EMC by
trying to jog separate joints.

The behavior I am getting with servodrives turned on and manually enabled:
Pressing F2 (Toggle machine on) will give -9.98V on one channel,
10.01V on second channel, 0.0V on third channel.
Pressing F2 again (Toggle machine off) will set all channels to 0V.
Pressing F2 repeatedly is just setting those channels to -9.9V or 10V
and back to 0V.

In INI file for all 3 joints I have:
OUTPUT_SCALE =          1.000
OUTPUT_OFFSET =         0.0
MAX_OUTPUT =            1.0

Are there any better procedures to test and set up EMC with servos? I
have no experience with these things yet.

BTW, I have set servo drive to work in velocity mode (there is special
application for changing settings in servo drives). So I had to set
the scale, how much RPM should motor do at 10V. Unfortunately I cannot
find any PID related parameters to tune feedback loop in servo drive.
I have Kollmorgen Servostar S601. Does anyone have experience with
these drives to share with me?
I haven't found in documentation, what does the output_scale parameter
in INI file for servos do? For steppers it was easy - scale means how
many steps are in one unit of length. I guess that is the same for
Input_scale. But what about output scale?

And also one more question to more knowledgable users about quadrature
encoder signal: what does EMC consider as 1 pulse from quadrature
encoder - the nominal resolution or the quadrature sgnals that are 4x
nominal resolution?


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