On Sun, 2011-10-16 at 13:21 +0100, Andy Ibbotson wrote:
... snip
> When I switch on the shop fluorescent lights they cause the motors to
> "jump" anyone got any advice re. shielding.
... snip

In case it might apply, when I built this igniter:

I expected to get interference on my radio in the shop, but it down
right stopped it from working altogether. I was a little surprised that
the interference came from the igniter back into the mains then to the
radio mains input. The filter shown cleared up the problem and no radio
emissions either. 

I happened to have the filter left over from another project, and got to
thinking, in a pinch, it would be nice to be able to make one up from
typical junk bin parts. If anyone can shed light on this, I'd appreciate
it. I noticed some small filters (power cord socket / switch / filter
unit) on some junk telecomm equipment I have, that may be a good source
for filters too. (Also old PC power supplies?)

Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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