Viesturs Lācis wrote:
> 2011/11/25 andy pugh <>:> On 25 November 2011 18:11,
> Viesturs Lācis <> wrote:>>> Not sure I
> understand about the operating mode. I suppose it has to do>>
> something with this:>> loadrt bldc cfg=qh,qh,qh>> Oh, I did change the
> h mode recently, though that was intended to make> the parport work
> properly shouldn't have broken a Mesa config.> Which version of EMC2?
> EMC 2.5 that was installed 7-8 weeks ago from buidlbot package.
> Does anyone remember that I had mysterious problem of getting 7i43
> card working with D525MW motherboard. The problem disappeared...
> Well, it is back...
My guess is this is the D525MW EPP problem.  I assume you are using it 
in parallel
port mode.  The PPMC driver now correctly sets up the port in EPP mode, 
using the
high address field.  It does produce an error message, but does the 
right thing.
Maybe the Mesa driver is not reliably setting the extended config 
register for
this particular parallel port to EPP mode.  You could try using my pcisetup
program, and if it works after that, you will then know the port was not in
EPP mode before.  Download from :
unpack with tar xzvf pcisetup.tgz
and then run with
sudo ./pcisetup 378



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