On Fri, 13 Jan 2012 15:22:26 -0500
  gene heskett <ghesk...@wdtv.com> wrote:
> On Friday, January 13, 2012 03:00:21 PM Cathrine Hribar did opine:
>> Hi Gene:
>> Tnx for the info on ur steppers.
>> I have 8 wire steppers and have wired them series.  From what you said
>> about your steppers, and controller, you wired in parallel, true?
>> My controller is, like yours, 2.8 amp limit. As I think about it, if the
>> steppers are wired in series, like I wired mine, they would require
>> twice as much current to give the most torque, right?.
> No Bill, wired in series, that is the current that flows through both coils 
> so you get 2x the magnetic field.
> Wired in parallel, it would need twice the current, because it would be 
> split between the 2 coils, each getting half the set current then, or 1.4 
> amps.  OTOH, the parallel wiring would, at a given supply voltage, be able 
> to run the motor nearly twice as fast at that same supply voltage, since 
> you would then have the full voltage across each coil.  You would need a 
> slightly bigger supply in terms of amps, and a driver you could turn up to 
> 5.6 amps in order to get the best torque that speed.  On The Third Hand, 
> its likely that the motor would run under the typical load, faster when 
> wired parallel, but a little drag will stall it easier too.
> The torque output would be lower but flatter, controlled by the available 
> current, with the fade knee starting at the applied voltage vs torque 
> intersection on the graph.
> It is also something I haven't experimented with a lot since my Z axis was 
> made to drive a drill bit, I can put 150 lbs of push on a stubborn bit 
> wired in series at 5"/min feed rates with low (200 or so) spindle rpms 
> cutting a decent sized continuous string out of the hole.
>> I use to think I understood what I was doing, but I find with age
>> understanding don't always increase.
> Its painfully obvious to me at my years too Bill, it goes with the number 
> of calendars thrown out on our watches.  77 so far for me.
> Thanks Bill.
> Cheers, Gene
> -- 

Tnx Gene for the feedback.

Well I wired the steppers series when I set up the system.  I guess I was 
hoping for more from these little motors.

Ur wright, too many calendars, I've had 69 this year and only one heart 

thanks for the help


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