The simple explanation is that is a lot of jitter.  Look here to debug -

I had a graphics card that ran at 200,000 when using the manufacturer 3d
driver, but down to 40,000 with software 3d.

On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 2:40 AM, Viesturs Lācis <>wrote:

> 2012/3/31 Alwyn McLeod <>:
> > When I run the latency test, I get Base thread jitter of 932659. In the
> > config file the max. is set at 50,000.
> What You set in INI file is the length of the particular thread. I
> guess that length of base thread is set at 50'000 ns and length of
> servo thread is 1'000'000 ns.
> You do not set a jitter value anywhere. And 932'659 ns delay in a
> 50'000 thread means that interrupt was almost 19 consecutive thread
> periods. The only way I know, how such numbers can be obtained, is
> running LinuxCNC and Ubuntu in a virtual machine. I have never heard
> of anything close to this, when LinuxCNC is ran in "normal" way.
> I think You should share some information, what hardware do You have,
> which version of LinuxCNC on which version of Ubuntu do You use and
> probably paste Your config and preferably paste the screenshot with
> the latency test results (let latency test run for some 30 min, try to
> load the pc in a meantime by pressing alt+f2 and typing 'glxgears' and
> hitting 'enter', open firefox, browse some web page, if You have
> access, move that firefox window across the screen, copy some files,
> do whatever else You can think of to load the pc) in or
> similar place.
> Viesturs
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