andy pugh wrote:
> As I said earlier, I don't think this is a "Lookahead" problem, it is
> a "must be able to stop inside the next code block" problem.
> And I am not convinced that being able to stop the machine within the
> next code block is necessarily a sensible requirement.
Exactly!  It is a safe scheme, but becomes a limitation.  Total 
lookahead is a boundless
problem, so I can see that is not sensible.  What I can imagine is a 
method of lookahead
where each vector is examined for acceleration, and it keeps running 
ahead until a large
acceleration would be required.  Some kind of mark is made for that 
vector so the
traj planner knows a deceleration would be required coming up on that 
point.  Perhaps
this accel scanning could put the mark back the required number of 
blocks so that when
the traj planner hits that mark it begins the decel then.  This all is 
complicated by the
feedrate override that is implemented at the moment.  But, the scanning 
could probably
just assume 100% speed (or whatever the max override allows).


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