Erik Christiansen wrote:
> Curve fitting to an arbitrary bunch of points is an approximate art,
> AIUI, with tolerance calculation at all points probably taking a bit of
> time. Admittedly, I don't know whether nurbs make that faster/slower or
> easier/harder to achieve algorithmically. But it does look "non-trivial".
NURBS reduces a complex, arbitrary surface to a very small number of 
control points.
You then have the freedom to interpolate on the surface with any grid 
you want, and
you also can extract acceleration requirements pretty easily from the 
NURBS data.

Turning a massive point cloud back into a NURBS surface is no better 
than any other
attempt to fit curves to the points.
> But isn't the LinuxCNC dictum "Must be able to come to a dead stop
> within the current line segment" unnecessary and unhelpful when
> following a piecewise linear approximation of a smooth curve?
Yup, that's EXACTLY the problem.  G-code doesn't have any way to express
"the following thousand points follow a smooth curve."  The ONLY way to know
there are no surprises several blocks ahead are to read and calculate 
the accelerations
required in those blocks.  In the worst case, it is conceivable that a 
right-angle turn
could be a thousand blocks ahead of where you are looking right now, and 
you need
to begin the decel now!  That's the rub.
> If it is impossible to increase LinuxCNC's look-ahead, to allow it to
> see that it need not radically decelerate, then why not put the
> look-ahead in the gcode? Gcode allows Feedrate setting amongst the
> "axes" terms in a G1. Would it not be possible to add a Gwhiz gcode to
> turn off the stopping-within-a-segment hesitancy, and set a nice fast
> initial Feedrate along with the G1. A lower Feedrate setting would then
> be inserted prior to any sharp corner or the end of the curve.
This is clearly the easy way out.  It is moving this difficult problem 
to the CAM system,
which DOES have more information on the whole machining task, as well as 
the luxury of
not having to do it in real time.  The downside is that if this is done 
wrong, it will lead to
a following error or some other type of violent halt, when LinuxCNC 
discovers it
is running at 600 IPM right into a right-angle turn.

Of course, if some outboard program could be written to do this, it 
could also be put
into the interpreter.  I have no idea how much computation this would 
take, but it
doesn't sound computationally difficult.  It does sound heavily 
iterative, so could be slow.
Start at block one, calculate acceleration.  Check acceleration on next 
block, repeat.
Keep going until you find a block where there is a high acceleration.  
Now, work
backwards to figure out when you need to slow down so that high accel 
block does
not require excessive acceleration.  Now, rewrite the F words on these 
blocks so
that the decel is commanded smoothly towards the high accel block.

I would think such a program could be written as a filter and tested 
with a sim version
of LinuxCNC where insane acceleration is permitted.  When it seems to be 
right, then maybe a special hack to the traj planner could be tried to 
remove the look-ahead
limiting and see how it works.  If all this works OK, then integration 
of the feature
into LinuxCNC could be contemplated.  But, it may well be that this is 
just too
slow to try to do in almost-real time, and may always need to be a 
separate program.


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