On Thursday, May 31, 2012 12:53:37 PM John Thornton did opine:

> A little update this morning after last night's experiments I built on
> that a bit this morning. I upped the MFD's on the B-C and A-C caps a
> little at a time till I got close to what I think I wanted in voltage.
> This is what I ended up with...
> Phase ===========> A-B    B-C    A-C
> Caps               50MFD  100MFD 220MFd
> RFC on             246v   263v   271v
> Samson @440 RPM    246v   247v   249v
> 611 Drive on       245v   243v   241v
> Engraving @6k RPM  244v   243v   234v
> I grabbed a program at random an it turned out to be engraving my
> company logo at 6k RPM. Now mind you this was not 0 to 6k but 0 to 2k
> with a 0.09 second pause between 100 RPM increases up to 6k. To my
> surprise the program ran to the end without a fault including rapids at
> 295IPM on the Z axis. When I go to town I'm going to snatch up a few
> more caps to play with and bump up A-C a bit more to try and even it
> out. This will at least allow me to make parts for the time being until
> I either get an isolation transformer or generator. The interesting
> thing that I discovered is if I start up the Samson lathe with the 611
> on I get a fault and have to reset the drive. This leads my tiny brain
> to think that it is a voltage drop to some degree that is tripping out
> the 611... what do you guys think? When my neighbor gets around to
> showing me how to store the traces in the scope I'll try and capture the
> wave form when this happens.
That is certainly progress in the right direction, John.  You can actually 
get money making work done.  And that I believe is the object of this 
exercise, is it not?

> Thanks for all the help and ideas.
> John

Cheers, Gene
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