On Saturday, June 16, 2012 06:40:41 PM Mike Bennett did opine:

> Gene
> They solved the litres issue in the UK but making it illegal to sell
> most things in anything but metric units.  However we still measure
> distance in miles, so what units should we be working out our fuel
> economy?  Miles per litre?
> At least we can still buy beer in pints ( 20oz ones of course :-) )
> Mike
Chuckle.  So that explains Fosters, which comes in a huge can.  I used to 
like it, but that was before carrying a glucose meter in my hip pocket.
> On 16 Jun 2012, at 17:41, gene heskett <ghesk...@wdtv.com> wrote:
> > Peter, I was all on that hay ride for as long as it lasted.  But when
> > the gas stations that first put in pumps that measured liters made
> > note that their monthly usage pumped into the customers tanks dropped
> > to 10% because folks would just drive on down the street where they
> > could buy gas by the gallon, a unit they had used all their lives,
> > that effect brought the metric conversion of the US to a screeching
> > halt.  The rest of the system did go metric, but that today is
> > entirely the effect of all the manufacturing having been exported. 
> > Had they put dual displays in the gas pumps for a few years, so folks
> > could see at a glance what they were paying, they might have been
> > able to let the gallons displays gradually fail, but some numbed nuts
> > bean counter apparently wouldn't consider that idea.  Instead, we
> > took very careful aim and shot ourselves in both feet.
> > 
> > I suspect real estate was also to be a holdout, hell, nobody around
> > here has a clue what a hectar is, not even me.
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Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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Seagoon:        Only in the holiday season.
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