Kasey Matejcek wrote:
> I'm using a johns univ pico controller and his dc servo amps
> I'm trying to use one of his amps to drive the dc servo motor on my lathe
For open-loop speed control, see

This is my minimill configuration, so it has some stuff that eventually 
needs to come out,
namely the Y axis.  But, it has axis 3 PWM output driving my PWM servo 
amp to
the spindle motor, and axis 3 encoder input sensing the spindle for a 
speed display and
for threading.  It is capable of reversing the spindle for rigid tapping.

spindle.hal and spindle.xml are entirely for on-screen display through a 
pyvcp panel.

in univpwm_motion.hal, there is :

setp ppmc.0.encoder.03.scale 6912
This sets the encoder to read 1.000 for one full revolution,
so if you have a 100 cycle/rev encoder that gives 400 counts/rev,
put 400 there.

and then all of this for the spindle encoder:

newsig spindle-sync bit
newsig spindle-index-en bit
linksp spindle-index-en => ppmc.0.encoder.03.index-enable

# hook up motion controller's sync output
linkps motion.spindle-index-enable => spindle-index-en

# report rev count to motion controller
newsig spindle-pos float
linkps ppmc.0.encoder.03.position => spindle-pos
linksp spindle-pos => motion.spindle-revs

Here's what connects the servo drive, a lot of this is to
filter the speed changes to limit acceleration to what is
possible.  You will have to find the right values for
your machine.  The mult2.1.in1 sets the speed calibration,
you will need a different number for each gear or belt setting.

lowpass.0.gain sets the filtering constant, I think smaller
numbers make speed changes more gradual.

# set up 4th PWM generator as a spindle speed control
newsig spindle-speed float
newsig spindle-pwm-cmd float
newsig spindle-pwm-filt float
linkps motion.spindle-speed-out => spindle-speed
linksp spindle-speed => mult2.1.in0
setp   mult2.1.in1 0.0009018
linkps mult2.1.out => spindle-pwm-cmd
linksp spindle-pwm-cmd => lowpass.0.in
linkps lowpass.0.out => spindle-pwm-filt
linksp spindle-pwm-filt => ppmc.0.pwm.03.value
setp lowpass.0.gain 0.005

And, this part enables the PWM output when the spindle is
set for either forward or reverse operation.
newsig spindle-enable bit
# SpindleFwd and SpindleRev come from univpwm_io.hal
linksp SpindleFwd => or2.0.in0
linksp SpindleRev => or2.0.in1
linkps or2.0.out => spindle-enable
linksp spindle-enable ppmc.0.pwm.03.enable
# spindle speed display

This scales the display for readout in RPM, the spindle
scale factor above at ppmc.0.encoder.03.scale reads
our in RPS, this just converts RPS to RPM.

net spinraw    ppmc.0.encoder.03.delta conv-s32-float.0.in
net spinfloat  conv-s32-float.0.out mult2.0.in0
setp   mult2.0.in1 8.6805555
newsig SpindleRPM float
linkps mult2.0.out => SpindleRPM

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